When you double-click a internet shortcut (.URL) file or click on a hyperlink in your mail client, you may encounter the error Unable to open this Internet Shortcut. The protocol "http" does not have a registered program. This is akin to saying "hey! you haven’t configured a web browser as the default". Now you know where to look for the solution… the "Default Programs" applet.
The tampered http protocol association settings can be repaired using these steps:
1. Click Start, select Default Programs
2. Select your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) from the list
3. Click Set this program as default
4. Click OK
If that doesn’t do it, follow these steps:
5. Click Set program access and computer defaults
6. Click Custom, and select your web browser
7. Click OK.
This resets the default web browser, thereby fixing the http and other protocol association settings automatically.
Source : winhelponline[dot]com
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